Since 1971, The Railroadiana Express has been an easy and effective way to advertise your business. For years railroad show promoters, auction houses, real estate appraisers, antique malls and other industry-specific companies and individuals have advertised in the Express. RCAI’s large, dedicated and diverse membership are the perfect target audience for your business and message. Rates for both printed and digital publication are affordable and easy to coordinate with our printing and distribution schedule. For more information and rate card, please contact RCAI’s advertising manager (
Contribute to The Express
The Railroadiana Collectors Association is constantly looking for content to share with fellow collectors. As a non-profit organization, we rely on our members and railroad artifacts collectors to contribute articles and photos to share with our readers and general public. The possibilities and topics are endless, from basic “entry level” points of collecting to the most advanced and technical articles on railroad antiques, we are looking to include it in the pages of the Express. Photos of your items to highlight its uniqueness or seeking more information on the history of an item are welcome as well. For more information on how you can contribute content to the Express, please contact our Editor today!
Summer, 2022 (pdf)